Do you have an item for sale? Artmark will provide preliminary estimates and will recommend the most effective way to sell your item.
Our specialists can make a professional appraisal of your items in order to determine their relevance and estimated value. The first step of the selling process is to establish authenticity. Based on expert certification and documentation, the appraisal and consignment office will identify the estimated range of the piece.
Artmark provides free of charge expertise and evaluation of items for the purpose of selling at auction. For a preliminary opinion from our specialists, please use the online proposal form. Your request will be answered shortly and you might be invited to meet us at our headquarters.
You can also make an appointment over the phone by contacting one of the specialists in our auction department, or visit us in person at the Artmark headquarters during consignment, evaluation, and expertise hours.
Departments Experts
Should you decide, once the evaluation has been carried out, to sell your objects at auction, the next step is to sign a consignment contract stipulating all the conditions of the transaction.
Consignment rules Advance payment upon consignment